union jack

.Capture the Flag.


Capture the flag can be played with up to 6 teams competing to capture each others flags.

Each team has a Base which also acts as their flag. They must try to defend their flag from the enemy teams, whilst trying to capture the enemy flags .


Capturing an enemy flag:

1.    Zap the enemy Base three times. This picks up the flag, and your battle-suit lights will lock-on to show that you are carrying the enemy flag.

2.    Return to your base without being zapped

3.    Zap your own Base three times. This will capture the enemy flag

4.    Players may carry and capture up to 3 flag at a time, but only one from each enemy team.


Stealing enemy flags

If a player zaps an opponent who is carry another teams flag then they will steal the flag

i.e. It will be transferred to them from the player they zapped.



To stop an opponent who is carrying your flag, simply zap them and your flag will be automatically be returned to your Base.


You can only deposit enemy flags at your base, capture it, if your flag is at base.

If an enemy has your flag, then it is a stand-off and your team must try to zap the enemy flag carrier, so your flag will be returned to base.


When a player is zapped they are deactivated for 6 secs and they can be zapped again by any player after 5 secs although this will not extend the deactivated period.



Game etiquette:

Following is permitted, however dead players must not follow the opposition flag carrier

Player must not physically obstruct other players or the bases



Mission Time: Std Mission =10 minutes,


Skill levels - All players play at the same skill level, with no special abilities.


Arena targets / devices are only active if they have been allocated to a team




Mission Score

Zap opponent


Zap own team

-1 + self deactivation

Return own flag


Capture flag

99 for

All team members